Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I love my family! There is so much I learn and experience because of them. Each child brings his or her own set of unique experiences and funny personality. I love being around my kids. They make me feel good about life. I do get a little tired of the teasing and pestering of each other but for the most part they are very funny. The other morning we were eating breakfast and Kambry was goofing around singing and just being all sorts of obnoxious. I said "Kambry do you want anything else for breakfast?" She said "I just want attention!" I thought it was so funny that she was so quick with that comment. Bryce broke out in hives yesterday and is home from school today. He was so nice to take to the gym with Ethan. It is the first time in forever that Ethan has not cried when I left him. Would it be bad of me to keep Bryce out of school for a couple of hours a day just to be with Ethan at the gym? Ethan is so funny. He has a big temper in that little body. He has started yelling "Dumb!!" at anything that he can not get to work and breathing really hard. It's so funny. I have to tell you though, I love it when they go to sleep. They are like little angels in their beds, halo and all. Every night we tuck Kambry in she says "Goodnight Mom, your the best mom in the world, I love you, sleep well and I'll see you in the morning." Every single night! I thought "Goodnight I love you" was enough but she seems to add more and more. I always tuck in Bryce and say "You are such a good boy." Then he says, "You are such a good mom." Kids! Who wouldn't love that! And to think when I started out this adventure I didn't want any. What fun little people. Kambry is an excellent artist. She draws wonderful animal pictures, paints, and she creates art or small houses out of garbage. They are quite amazing. She uses old toilet paper rolls, small boxes or containers, everything. I am always amazed at what she comes up with. She is an excellent reader and she enjoys it. She is a great student, always works hard, and is very organized. She is an amazing swimmer and had a great time playing soccer and tennis this last year. Hopefully we can all go snowboarding again this winter because she loved that as well. Bryce is great at every sport. He is an excellent runner and in soccer he rules! He loves playing baseball, tennis and is also great at swimming. He is going to play basketball soon and is very excited about that. Bryce is an excellent student, too. Math comes easy to him and he loves learning Spanish. He is in the Spanish immersion program and they say he will be fluent in Spanish by 6th grade. It is so cute when he talks Spanish because he still has a hard time with a few of his sounds and even some English words sound a little funny. He speaks with an excellent accent already. His teacher tells me he is very helpful and fun to be around. Bryce loves to make people laugh and has recently acquired the talent of farting with his armpit. (Thank you McKayla for the lesson!) He farts everywhere and even answers my questions with one fart or two. I decided that as long as there is no smell he can do it all he wants. He may be known for the rest of his life as the farting guy. Maybe he will get on David Letterman's stupid human tricks someday for a song he puts together with the arm farts. Ethan is so full of energy. He keeps me going all the time. He loves to be chased and loves to jump off of everything, and up and down on every couch, bed you name it he jumps on it. While he is jumping he is usually yelling "Yah,Yah, Yah!" It gets louder and louder. The last few days he has started with "Why?" after everyhting I tell him to do. I'll say, "Ethan, you need to get off the counter." He says, "Why?" He loves stories. I read him a few stories before naptime and he loves them. He likes Julius' Candy Corn, Room on the Broom, Knuffle Bunny and any animal books. He loves to point out all the animals outside and more importantly every truck, airplane, tractor, train and helicopter. He will not stop saying the word until you repeat it correctly. This is where it gets tricky. It is a little hard because almost every word sounds the same so it's a guessing game. When you answer correctly he gives you an enthusiastic "Yeah, Yeah." I live for those words. We had a wonderful summer with many fun activities. It is sad to see it end. I love the time together and how the children are each others best friends. I know this won't last forever and I try to make the memory stay in my slippery brain. Swimming at the pool, going to Lake Powell, hiking, jumping on the trampoline, bar-b-q's, playing at the park, feeding ducks the list goes on and on.


Jodi said...

What a sweet first blog!! Your kids are quite amazing and just reading that makes me love them even more. Somethings you forgot...Kambry is such an amazing leader! Brycy is an awesome friend to everyone! Ethan has such a contagious laugh! The are adorable. We love you and your family so much.